Boletice - a Natural Jewel
The proclamation of the Special Protection Area (SPA) and Site of Community
Importance (SCI) to Boletice was preceded by a campaign of nongovernmental environmental
organizations coordinated by the environmental association Calla from České
Budějovice and was also supported both by some scientific institutions and individual
biologists. The aim of the campaign was an implementation of Boletice to Natura
2000 and the protection of nature values in the military area, and against the
expansion of undesirable investment activities.
The highland area, with its varied geological subsoil, is situated in an area
bounded by the towns of Český Krumlov and Volary and by the Lipno reservoir.
The prevailing soil types are brown woody soils, gleys and pseudogleys. The
highest peak of the area is Lysá (1228 m above sea level), the lowest point
is Dolanský potok near Křenov (548 m above see level).
Climatic conditions are rather varied mainly due to the altitude effect. Whereas
the high leeward hillsides on the west are wet and cold, central and eastern
parts are warmer because of the rainfall shadow. Therefore many thermophilous
species reach their altitudinal maximum within the Czech Republic in Boletice.
On the other hand, temperature inversions occur in the valleys. This area is
the headwater of the Blanice river and some other streams. Both broad-leaved
forests and mixed forests formed by beeches, firs and spruces grew originally
in the majority of the Boletice area. The natural forest-free area was limited
to small enclaves of rock formations and peat bogs. A mosaic of woods and valuable
forestless habitats (meadows, shrubs) resulted as a consequence of human activities
in the central and eastern parts of area.
The first fragmental information concerning the nature in Boletice originated
from the beginning of 19th century. Since this time the area has been absent
from the interests of biologists. Information about the nesting of the Lesser
Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) came from the 1970 and 1980s, but the
results of more extensive botanical study were not published. More systematic
research focused predominantly on botany. Ornithology and entomology only began
in the 1990s. The studies served as the groundwork for the foundation of the
Special Protection Area Boletice (size 23 542 hectares) on 15 December 2004.
The subject of conservation in the Special Protection Area are five bird species
- the Hazel Grouse (Bonasa bonasia), Corncrake (Crex crex), Pygmy
Owl (Glaucidium passerinum), Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
and Woodlark (Lullula arborea). From an ornithological point of view,
the Boletice area is an extraordinarily valuable area of Central European importance.
Altogether 53 specially protected bird species, 66 species integrated into the
proposal of Red List of Birds of the Czech Republic, 40 interesting species
of European nature conservation and 28 species of Annex I of EC Birds Directive
live in the area. Besides the species mentioned above, other remarkable birds
have been found there - e.g. Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix), Common Snipe
(Gallinago gallinago), Ural Owl (Strix uralensis), Boreal Owl
(Aegolius funereus), Wryneck (Jynx torquilla), Black Woodpecker
(Dryocopus martius), Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria) or Nutcracker
(Nucifraga caryocatactes). Thus, the species with completely different
ecological requirements can be found not far from each other in Boletice area.
Moreover, many species that are otherwise very rare in south Bohemia nest there
- e.g. Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria) and Stonechat (Saxicola torquata).
The Special Protection Area Boletice
is unique also for other reasons. Species of protection in the Site of Community
Importance are also two vertebrates species (lynx - Lynx lynx, bullhead
- Cottus gobio), four invertebrates species (ground beetle Carabus menetriesi,
two Maculinea butterflies - Maculinea telejus and M. nausithous
and freshwater pearl mussel - Margaritifera margaritifera) and two plant
species (Ligularia sibirica and Gentianella bohemica). The presence
of many protected and endangered plant species shows also the habitat diversity. In
total, 49 types of natural habitats (21 of them belong to the European important
habitats and 9 to the priority habitats according the Habitats Directive) were
determined there during a biotop survey for European ecological network Natura
2000. Some habitats have developed to a large extent, diversity or quality. The
priority habitats of Boletice area are following: ravine forests, Central European
basiphilous thermophilous oak forests, pine mire forests with Vaccinium,
birch mire forests, Pinus rotundata bog forests, montane gray alder galleries,
ash-alder alluvial forests, submontane and montane Nardus grasslands and
open raised bogs. The forests cover 60% of SPA Boletice. They are predominantly
formed by herb-rich and acidophilous beech forests which belong to the European
important habitats. Nowadays two main opinions about future of the Boletice
area exist. Whereas the first one takes into acount the conservation of the present
military use, the second one promotes an abolishment of the military status and
a conversion of the area into civilian use. We here try to sum up the main pros
and cones of both approaches. In the first place, the present situation
guarantees the protection of unique Boletice nature from eutrophication danger.
The second important positive point is the uniform state ownership of the whole
Boletice area, which warrants the long-term successional cycles in larger areas.
A side effect of military activity is maintenance of valuable localities in such
stages that are essential for the survival of many threatened organisms. The disadvantage
of the current situation is undoubtedly the fact that the public can not enjoy
the beauties of nature there. With the exception of training army, only a small
number of people live and work in the area. Other potential visitors or scientists
need special permission to get there. The first step to make Boletice area more
accessible for people could be the opening of some secure border parts for so-called
soft tourism. The abolishment of the military status could lead to realization
of plan of huge ski center in the Chlum or ©pičák area. Such a project is in discrepancy
with nature protection of Boletice area. If the army abandons the area, tourist
use considerate to the nature of area would be promoted. The network of hiking
trails, cycle tracks, briddle-paths and trails for cross-country skiing crossing
the Boletice area could serve as educational trail at the same time. The visitors
could use current villages and towns situated mostly outside SPA Boletice for
accomodation, boarding and for parking. The great problem of the variation mentioned
above is funding of management of some valuable habitats. The alternative can
not be the management of only some top valuable parts and "common" farming in
the remaining area. The importance of unique Boletice nature surpasses
the borders of the Czech Republic - this s documented by its integration into
network Natura 2000 as Spatial Protection Area and Important Bird Area. Therefore
its nature value must be protected and maintained for the future. Thank
you for potential voluntary contributions toward the expenses connected with Boletice
nature preservation campaign.
Bank account:
Calla: 3202800-544/0600, GE Capital
Bank, České Budějovice, The Czech Republic